TL74::R1 – Narrow loss

Our team lost at the very first round of TL74 with the score 2.5-1.5 against the team Wypatrujace_Oko_Tigrana.

Wypatrujace_Oko_Tigrana 2.5-1.5 LightSpartans
Board1: OliverIsaac 1-0 marjohn
Board2: brunftbert 1/2-1/2 Aromas 
Board3: TwilightShifter 1-0 chebein
Board4: tschack 1-0 kliszek

On  board 1 marjohn had black against OliverIsaac. A technical win for white who played almost a perfect game with no tactical errors at all. He won the exchange early on and managed to convert it. Maybe black had some chances to get the draw around move 31 when he should not have allowed white to play his R on c7 .

On board 2 brunftbert played as white against Aromas . Chaos is the most appropriate word to describe the flow of this game. So many complex variations with tactical analysis needed to be processed by both players. At the end white managed to create a winning endgame but some inaccuracies let the win to slip from his hands. A fine game by our newest member of the team.

On board 3 chebein played against TwilightShifter as black. A very ambitious piece sacrifice for Black with some counter play but not enough to create a winning position.  White managed to simplify the position and with a couple of blunders from his opponent he had a clear winning position.

On board 4 tschack, was playing against kliszek as white. A very attacking game by white. He took the initiative from the start of the game and after a couple of inaccuracies with the queen Black was down an exchange. Soon White attacked Black’s K-side which resulted in a won endgame. Tschack finished the game with a nice combination! An excellent win from our Swedish player!!

Despite the loss  TL74 is a fun tourney to participate!!

About John Marountas

John enjoys chess and is a regular chess player in the greek team national championship. He enjoys playing TeamLeague's games since it is a good way to practice (if you dont play regularly in FIDE tournaments). Works as a web developer and located at Heraklion,Crete,Greece.